On Sunday, June 9, at 12:00pm, please join us for the Pentecost Intercultural Mass. This 12 noon Mass combines the 11:00am English and 1:00pm Spanish Masses and will be celebrated indoors, so heat and weather will not be an issue. We hope to see you there! We are very excited about the Potluck Picnic, which follows the Mass! For more information about the Penetcost Pot Luck picnic, please click
Please note that for Jun 9th, the regularly scheduled 11 AM Mass and 1PM Mass will be combined and celebrated at 12 Noon. Team C Liturgical Ministers who normally serve at the 11:00am and 1:00pm Masses are asked to serve for this combined Mass at noon. (There won’t be special sign-ups.) If you are on one of these teams and cannot serve that day, it is requested to please arrange a substitute.