Phone 301-948-7545
In the Archdiocese of Washington, it is a requirement that anyone wanting to receive the sacrament of Confirmation receive at least two years of Confirmation preparation .
Here at St. Rose, students typically begin their first year of Confirmation Prep in 7th grade to receive the sacrament in the spring of their 8th grade year. We offer Confirmation prep classes for older teens who have received other Sacraments and would like to be confirmed. For more information, please get in touch with the Director of Youth Ministry Ogechi Akalegebre [email protected]
Confirmation Rehearsal Date:
Friday, May 16th, 2025 from 6:30-8:00 pm (Woodlands Room)
Candidate and Sponsor/Parent must be present
Confirmation Mass: Sunday, May 18th, 2025 at 4:00 pm//
The Confirmation Retreat will be held at Camp Wabanna in Edgewater, MD from February 14-16, 2025 .
All confirmation candidates are required to attend .
This retreat is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your faith and learn from older teens and adults about our Catholic identity and ways to strengthen your relationship with God during and after the Confirmation preparation process. Parents are welcome to join as adult leaders for the groups.
Registration Steps for Confirmation Retreat in February 2024
Online Registration and Permission FormBath Needs-towel, washcloth, soap, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo
Appropriate sleepwear
Warm clothing (we will be going outdoors for portions of the retreat), including warm shoes, a hat, gloves, a coat, and clothing for the three days we will be away.
Please send a refillable water bottle with your name written on it.
Please send any medication mentioned on the registration form in a marked container. Each child is responsible for administering their own medications.
Please do not bring electronic devices. Cell phones are permitted during break times. The Wi-Fi and cell reception can be very poor at times.
Online Sacramental Record Form//Formulario de Registro Sacramental (Due Jan 10th 2025)
Sponsor Requirements:
Service is both an attitude and an action that flows naturally from one’s baptismal call as a grateful response to God’s gifts. Through service, candidates participate more fully in the life of the Church and learn ways to use their gifts in service to the parish and community. Candidates are encouraged to document their service experience as they prepare for Confirmation.
Please check out the resources below on ways to serve:
We will have two virtual Family Sessions in which a Parent and/or Sponsor must attend a Zoom meeting with the Confirmation Candidate. Families are expected to attend all sessions as part of the Confirmation preparation. //
We have two options for virtual family sessions where a parent or sponsor will be required to attend a Zoom meeting with the Confirmation candidate. Families are expected to attend all sessions as part of Confirmation preparation.
Family Session #2 Sponsor + Confirmation Candidate (choose one ) ZOOM LINK