Phone 301-948-7545
When & Where: Sat., Sept. 28, 2024, at St. Rose of Lima Parish, 11701 Clopper Road, Gaithersburg MD 20878
Who & What: All are welcome to enjoy this wonderful community event, which includes a fabulous Flea Market , as well as Entertainment, Country Store with Homemade Crafts & Baked Goods, Silent Auction Gift Baskets, 50/50 Raffle, Quilt Raffle, Delicious Food, & more, followed by a beautiful multicultural Mass at 4:00pm that will be livestreamed. (There will be NO 5:00pm Mass or Confessions on Fiesta!) Please join us!
Donations: Donate items for the Flea Market, Country Store, & Silent Auction Gift Baskets. Information about what items will be accepted and when/where your donations can be dropped off for the Flea Market will be published in the bulletin and is available HERE.
Volunteer Sign-Ups: Sept. 7/8 & Sept. 14/15, after the Masses. It takes many, many people to make this beautiful day happen. There are a multitude of ways to get involved, and lots of time slots from which to choose. Stop by the tables on Sign Up Weekends. For more information about the many opportunities to sign-up, please click HERE
Details: Watch the bulletin and the front page of our website for details and updates!
INFO: Luis Figueroa, [email protected] or Laura Lowery, [email protected]