A parish-wide retreat was held in the Woodlands Room on the morning of December 10th. Parishoners gathered for prayer and small group discussions to discern ways to encourage all to Pray, Grow, Serve: Orar, Crecer, Servir. The retreat was facilitated by Dr. Robert McCarty, the previous executive director of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. The Pastoral Plan was formally introduced during all Masses on the weekend of December 10-11, 2017.
During the season of Lent the pastoral plan continues to be shared on Tuesday evenings after the 7:00pm Lenten Prayer in the Historic Chapel. Each Tuesday features a talk on one of the five areas of focus of the pastoral plan: Intercultural, Sacraments, Growing Disciples, Service, Stewardship.
March 7 Sheila Shea, parishioner, catechist, recipient of the Cardinal’s Manifesting the Kingdom Award. Focusing on
March 14 Mark Bergel, Ph.D. - Founder & Executive Director of a Wider Circle. Focusing on
March 21 Javier Bustamonte, Director of the Archdiocese of Washington’s Office of Cultural Diversity and Outreach. Focusing on
March 28 Ann Gradowski, Director of Development and Administration at the Catholic Student Center at University of Maryland, Director of Encounter the Gospel of Life. Focusing on
Growing Disciples
April 4 Maggie McCarty, Director of Development at Bethlehem University Foundation USA and former Director of Development at Catholic Climate Covenant. Focusing on
Keep praying for the parishioners of Saint Rose of Lima and keep discerning where God is leading YOU to serve.