Tuesday, March 30th from 11-3pm (with food distribution) and Sunday, April 4th from 11-4pm St. Rose will be hosting a FREE testing site for COVID-19 in the parking lot. Click here for for detailed information.
Estás invitado a una Noche de Reflexión virtual para hombres en Español. El tema es "Siguiendo los Pasos de San José". Padre Mateo es uno de los oradores principales. Haga clic en el enlace para obtener más información.
All teen choir members and those in grades 7-12 who are interested in joining are invited to come spend some time with Sarah! Mark your calendars! Click the link for more information.
During the Easter season there are several parisioners receving sacraments. Please pray for them and their families. For more information, please click the link
Jesus uttered seven last words of great meaning. Please join us for prayer and meditation on Holy Tuesday, March 30, 2021 at 7PM. To register, please click on the link
Set some time aside for prayer and reflection about Saint Patrick. Click the link to learn more about St. Patrick and to register for a morning or evening session.
Sadly, Christians continue to be persecuted in the Middle East. John Smith, Pope Francis’ Point Man for Christian Refugee Relief in Iraq and Lebanon, will address St. Rose’s Knights of Columbus council and the entire parish on the church’s efforts via ZOOM on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 7pm.