Our Fiesta celebration will be coming September 24, 2022. The Vigil Mass will be at 3:30PM instead of 5PM and the Flea Market will not be held this year. Please click the link for more information.
Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect our role in handing the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Are you able to help this ministry? Those who are to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry.
Help the Laudato Si Green Team assist in improving medical care in developing countries and caring for creation. Start saving your pill bottles and drop them off in the designated basket in the Gathering Space.
Participate in reading and discussing An Interior Life - Rummaging Through the Christian Tradition by John Welch, O.Carm. For more information, please click the link.
Season 3 of Arise will soon start. Come meet others in the parish through the reading and discussion our faith in small faith groups. Click the link for additional information and to sign-up.