The memorial of Saint Patrick, March 17, 2023, falls on a Friday this year. Can we celebrate by eating meat that Friday? Click the link for more information.
St. Rose will be providing our annual dinner for 200 men at the Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless men's shelter in Rockville on March 5th. For more information and to sign-up, click HERE!
Donations toward the cost of Easter flowers for the church may be made in memory of your family members and friends. The names of those being memorialized will be posted to our website before the Easter Vigil. To make a donation, please click on the link.
We need your help to restock the food pantry at St. Martins and collect dry erase markers. Specific needs at the pantry: dry unsweetened cereal, pasta and sauce, canned fruit and beans, Ensure for adults and Similac Blue and Orange baby formula. Thanks for your generosity!!
The Older, Wiser, Loving Seniors (O.W.L.S) is hosting a morning of reflection on Tuesday, February 21st. For more information and to register, please click the link.