Please join your fellow parishioners in Caring for Creations by planting native plants in our yards that are suited to the local wildlife, soil and rainfall in our region! We invite you to take the pledge by clicking HERE and pick up your native plants on May 13/14.
Join us on Monday, April 24th at 6:30 pm to meet indigenous leaders from the Amazon region, learn about their struggles and how we can act on their behalf. Click here to see a flyer about this unique opportunity.
Please consider helping supply items for a "Welcome Home" kit provided to a person transitioning into a new apartment after being homeless. Items will be collected the weekend of April 29/30. Click HERE for more details on how you can help.
Please join our Adaptive Religious Education students celebrating the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion on Saturday, April 22 at 5pm. A reception hosted by the Martha Ministry will take place after Mass in the Woodlands Room.