Phone 301-948-7545
Can I still use the OnLine Giving system?
Yes, the OnLine Giving system will continue to be available. Both systems work independently of each other. However, the ParishSoft Giving system has additional options to donate to St. Rose with increased efficiencies.
Why can't you transfer the information from the Online Giving to ParishSoft Giving?
That is a good question that we asked ParishSoft. Both systems are provided by ParishSoft but the backend systems that process the transactions are from different providers. Personal data like your banking or credit card numbers can't be shared between the two providers based on federal law. Because of this situation, which is an inconvenience to you, we will be providing both the Online Giving and ParishSoft Giving at this time.
Is ParishSoft Giving Safe?
ParishSoft Giving meets the highest banking-level security standards set forth by the Payment Card Industry (PCI) to ensure safe and confidential transactions. In fact, your banking information is encrypted in the system and is not accessible to any users or administrators of the ParishSoft Giving system. When you manage your own account information, St. Rose never needs to handle checks or worry about locking up documents containing your account information. And you’ll always be certain that your gifts are direct-deposited into St. Rose's account. For more information about the PCI/DSS, please click HERE
What are the advantages of ParishSoft Giving?
It makes it easy to give, even when you are unable to attend church. You never have to bring cash or checks to church. Giving electronically also helps the church save money.
How do I sign up for ParishSoft Giving?
The first time you use Text to Give, you will be prompted for your information. After the first time, you can text the amount to give followed by the area within the parish you wish to donate the money. (This is called a fund.) Currently the available funds on ParishSoft Giving are 1) Offertory, 2) Parish Debit Reduction and 3) Poor box. Click HERE as to how to use the ParishSoft text to give feature.
Click on the ParishSoft Giving link -> ParishSoft Giving then click on "SIGN IN". Near the bottom of the "Sign In" page, click on "Register for an Account"
How can I get my old contributions from Online Giving to ParishSoft Giving?
This is unfortunately a manual process. You will need to first create an account in ParishSoft Giving (see How do I sign up for ParishSoft Giving?) and add your personal and financial information through the Sign In option of ParishSoft Giving. Then, go to Online Giving and look at your donations. Write down the pertinant informatoin, account where the contribution is coming from, where in the church is the money to be donated, is it recurring donation and when, etc. Once you have this information, go to ParishSoft Giving and recreate the donation(s). Finally, and this is important, once you are satisfied with the new contributions, go back to Online Giving and cancel any recurring donations before their next due date. Otherwise you will be donating twice. The two systems are independent and do not "talk" to each other. Depending on how many donations you have, the process takes less than 10 minutes.
How are my contributions automatically deducted from my account?
The first time you give, you will be asked for account information. This information exchange is secure and will automatically create an account for you. The one time contribution amount or recurring amount you specify will automatically be transferred from your bank or credit card account to the church's bank account.
When will my contribution be deducted from my account?
Your text to give or credit card contribution will be debited immediately unless it is a recurring payment where the contribution will be debited on the date you specified.
Do I have to use a credit card?
No, you can request your contribution be directly withdrawaled from your bank account (ACH). If you do want to make a contribution through your credit card, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and Amex are available.
If I do not write checks, how do I keep my checkbook or credit card statement balance straight?
Since your contribution is made at the time of the donation or when you requested as a recurring contribution, you simply record it for the appropriate date. Electronic contributions are recorded for you on your bank or credit card statement as well as your online reports.
Without a canceled check or credit card receipt, how can I prove I made my contribution?
Your bank and/or credit card statement and the ParishSoft Giving system provide reports that document your electronic transactions. Your Credit Card transaction could look like
or your bank statement could look like:
Can I put different amounts in offerings and have all of them withdrawn at different times?
Yes, you can contribute to different offerings at the same time by clicking on the "ADD DONATION" link on the giving form. You can also create recurring donations that can be of different amounts, different funds and withdrawn on different dates.
What if I change bank accounts or credit cards?
Log into ParishSoft Giving. There is a colored circle with your initials in the top right that you click. Select "My Account" and a new window will be displayed. To the left of the window is the menu option "Payment Methods". Click on this link. Each checking/savings/credit/debit card you have entered into ParishSoft Giving can be changed using the pencil button, deleted completely by clicking on the trash can
, or new accounts can be added.
How much does ParishSoft Giving cost?
It costs you absolutely nothing! St Rose does ask if you would like to help defray the cost by adding a service fee. This fee will then be added to your donation. This service fee is optional and also tax deductible.
What if I try ParishSoft Giving and don't like it?
You just stop using it if you do not have a recurring gift. To modify or cancel a recurring gift, you will need to log into ParishSoft Giving and cancel your donation.
I feel uncomfortable not giving SOMETHING as the collection is taken up. Is there a remedy for that?
Yes there is. At the entrance of the Church and Historic Chapel, there are laminated cards in a small basket that say "I Gave Online!" Feel free to pick one up and place it in the collection as it passes by you during the offertory. As good stewards, St. Rose will sanitize and recycle the cards week after week.
If you have have questions about ParishSoft Giving, you are invited to look at the Benefits page. Also, before you dive-into ParishSoft Giving, please look at the "How to" page for the different options that are available to you and How to use them
If you have any questions, please contact Fabiana Rieke at [email protected] or call 301-948-7545 X232