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Among the ways we live out the Jubilee Year is through prayer and pilgrimage. Making a pilgrimage allows us to intentionally have the aim to encounter the Lord, who is the Way, in the rough path or arduous walk, in the silence of our journey or the silence we keep before him in the Blessed Sacrament, in the friendships we form with fellow pilgrims and in the created nature.
Since only a few people will be able to travel to Rome throughout the Jubilee Year 2025 to pass through any of the four Jubilee Doors, Cardinal Wilton Gregory has designated several churches within our archdiocese as Jubilee Pilgrimage Sites where the faithful will be able to pray the official prayer for Jubilee Year 2025, participate in liturgical and catechetical events, deepen their openness to God’s grace and the working of the Holy Spirit and unite themselves spiritually with all who will journey as pilgrims to Rome. Two that are close to St. Rose are the Shrine of St. Jude in Rockville and St. John Neumann in Gaithersburg. To find out other churches- Jubilee Pilgrimage Sites in the Archdiocese of Washington - Archdiocese of Washington
Participate in a local celebration of the Jubilee. Check out the Archdiocese of Washington Website.
Obtain the Jubilee Indulgence through one of the other means (works of mercy and penance, making a pilgrimage to your cathedral, etc.).
Pray for the pope, the Church and all who take part in the Jubilee